What is the Forex market? • What is Forex? – The basics… Basically, the Forex market is where banks, businesses, governments, investors and traders come to exchange and speculate on currencies. The Forex market is also referred to as the ‘Fx market’, ‘Currency market’, ‘Foreign exchange currency market’ or ‘Foreign currency market’, and it is the largest and most liquid market in the world with an average daily turnover of $3.98 trillion. The Fx market is open 24 hours a day, 5 days a week with the most important world trading centers being located in London, New York, Tokyo, Zurich, Frankfurt, Hong Kong, Singapore, Paris, and Sydney. It should be noted that there is no central marketplace for the Forex market; trading is instead said to be conducted ‘over the counter’; it’s not like stocks where there is a central marketplace with all orders processed like the NYSE. Forex is a product quoted by all the major banks, and not all banks will have the exact same price. Now, the broker platforms take all theses feeds from the different banks and the quotes we see from our broker are an approximate average of them. It’s the broker who is effectively transacting the trade and taking the other side of it…they ‘make the market’ for you. When you buy a currency pair…your broker is selling it to you, not ‘another trader’. • A brief history of the Forex market Ok, I admit, this part is going to be a little bit boring, but it’s important to have some basic background knowledge of the history of the Forex market so that you know a little bit about why it exists and how it got here. So here is the history of the Forex market in a nutshell: In 1876, something called the gold exchange standard was implemented. Basically it said that all paper currency had to be backed by solid gold; the idea here was to stabilize world currencies by pegging them to the price of gold. It was a good idea in theory, but in reality it created boom-bust patterns which ultimately led to the demise of the gold standard. The gold standard was dropped around the beginning of World War 2 as major European countries did not have enough gold to support all the currency they were printing to pay for large military projects. Although the gold standard was ultimately dropped, the precious metal never lost its spot as the ultimate form of monetary value. The world then decided to have fixed exchange rates that resulted in the U.S. dollar being the primary reserve currency and that it would be the only currency backed by gold, this is known as the ‘Bretton Woods System’ and it happened in 1944 (I know you super excited to know that). In 1971 the U.S. declared that it would no longer exchange gold for U.S. dollars that were held in foreign reserves, this marked the end of the Bretton Woods System. It was this break down of the Bretton Woods System that ultimately led to the mostly global acceptance of floating foreign exchange rates in 1976. This was effectively the “birth” of the current foreign currency exchange market, although it did not become widely electronically traded until about the mid 1990s. (OK! Now let’s move on to some more entertaining topics!)… What is Forex Trading? Forex trading as it relates to retail traders (like you and I) is the speculation on the price of one currency against another. For example, if you think the euro is going to rise against the U.S. dollar, you can buy the EURUSD currency pair low and then (hopefully) sell it at a higher price to make a profit. Of course, if you buy the euro against the dollar (EURUSD), and the U.S. dollar strengthens, you will then be in a losing position. So, it’s important to be aware of the risk involved in trading Forex, and not only the reward. • Why is the Forex market so popular? Being a Forex trader offers the most amazing potential lifestyle of any profession in the world. It’s not easy to get there, but if you are determined and disciplined, you can make it happen. Here’s a quick list of skills you will need to reach your goals in the Forex market: Ability – to take a loss without becoming emotional Confidence – to believe in yourself and your trading strategy, and to have no fear Dedication – to becoming the best Forex trader you can be Discipline – to remain calm and unemotional in a realm of constant temptation (the market) Flexibility – to trade changing market conditions successfully Focus – to stay concentrated on your trading plan and to not stray off course Logic – to look at the market from an objective and straight forward perspective Organization – to forge and reinforce positive trading habits Patience – to wait for only the highest-probability trading strategies according to your plan Realism – to not think you are going to get rich quick and understand the reality of the market and trading Savvy – to take advantage of your trading edge when it arises and be aware of what is happening in the market at all times Self-control – to not over-trade and over-leverage your trading account As traders, we can take advantage of the high leverage and volatility of the Forex market by learning and mastering and effective Forex trading strategy, building an effective trading plan around that strategy, and following it with ice-cold discipline. Money management is key here; leverage is a double-edged sword and can make you a lot of money fast or lose you a lot of money fast. The key to money management in Forex trading is to always know the exact dollar amount you have at risk before entering a trade and be TOTALLY OK with losing that amount of money, because any one trade could be a loser. More on money management later in the course. • Who trades Forex and why? Banks – The interbank market allows for both the majority of commercial Forex transactions and large amounts of speculative trading each day. Some large banks will trade billions of dollars, daily. Sometimes this trading is done on behalf of customers, however much is done by proprietary traders who are trading for the bank’s own account. Companies – Companies need to use the foreign exchange market to pay for goods and services from foreign countries and also to sell goods or services in foreign countries. An important part of the daily Forex market activity comes from companies looking to exchange currency in order to transact in other countries. Governments / Central banks – A country’s central bank can play an important role in the foreign exchange markets. They can cause an increase or decrease in the value of their nation’s currency by trying to control money supply, inflation, and (or) interest rates. They can use their substantial foreign exchange reserves to try and stabilize the market. Hedge funds – Somewhere around 70 to 90% of all foreign exchange transactions are speculative in nature. This means, the person or institutions that bought or sold the currency has no plan of actually taking delivery of the currency; instead, the transaction was executed with sole intention of speculating on the price movement of that particular currency. Retail speculators (you and I) are small cheese compared to the big hedge funds that control and speculate with billions of dollars of equity each day in the currency markets. Individuals – If you have ever traveled to a different country and exchanged your money into a different currency at the airport or bank, you have already participated in the foreign currency exchange market. Investors – Investment firms who manage large portfolios for their clients use the Fx market to facilitate transactions in foreign securities. For example, an investment manager controlling an international equity portfolio needs to use the Forex market to purchase and sell several currency pairs in order to pay for foreign securities they want to purchase. Retail Forex traders – Finally, we come to retail Forex traders (you and I). The retail Forex trading industry is growing everyday with the advent of Forex trading platforms and their ease of accessibility on the internet. Retail Forex traders access the market indirectly either through a broker or a bank. There are two main types of retail Forex brokers that provide us with the ability to speculate on the currency market: brokers and dealers. Brokers work as an agent for the trader by trying to find the best price in the market and executing on behalf of the customer. For this, they charge a commission on top of the price obtained in the market. Dealers are also called market makers because they ‘make the market’ for the trader and act as the counter-party to their transactions, they quote a price they are willing to deal at and are compensated through the spread, which is the difference between the buy and sell price (more on this later). Advantages of Trading the Forex Market: • Forex is the largest market in the world, with daily volumes exceeding $3 trillion per day. This means dense liquidity which makes it easy to get in and out of positions. • Trade whenever you want: There is no opening bell in the Forex market. You can enter or exit a trade whenever you want from Sunday around 5pm EST to Friday around 4pm EST. • Ease of access: You can fund your trading account with as little as $250 at many retail brokers and begin trading the same day in some cases. Straight through order execution allows you to trade at the click of a mouse. • Fewer currency pairs to focus on, instead of getting lost trying to analyze thousands of stocks • Freedom to trade anywhere in the world with the only requirements being a laptop and internet connection. • Commission-free trading with many retail market-makers and overall lower transaction costs than stocks and commodities. • Volatility allows traders to profit in any market condition and provides for high-probability weekly trading opportunities. Also, there is no structural market bias like the long bias of the stock market, so traders have equal opportunity to profit in rising or falling markets. While the forex market is clearly a great market to trade, I would note to all beginners that trading carries both the potential for reward and risk. Many people come into the markets thinking only about the reward and ignoring the risks involved, this is the fastest way to lose all of your trading account money. If you want to get started trading the Fx market on the right track, it’s critical that you are aware of and accept the fact that you could lose on any given trade you take.

Wanita Ini Berniat Minta Cerai Dari Suami, Namun Respon Suami Membuatnya Terkejut...

Hari ini aku harus berterus-terang. Menceritakan segalanya pada suami. Aku hendak memintanya untuk menceraikan aku.

Ping! Sebuah pesan masuk di Whatsapp milikku.

“Dinda jangan risau. Abang janji akan bahagiakan Dinda. Kuatkan hati, kuatkan tekad. Tak ada gunanya hidup bersama kalau sudah tak cinta.”

Pesan tersebut berasal dari seorang pria yang sudah 6 bulan ku kenali. Umurnya dua tahun lebih tua dariku. Bermula kenal dari Instagram bisnis kerudung. Dia menawarkan diri untuk jadi fotografer untuk usahaku.


Kerja sebenarnya adalah seorang arsitek di sebuah perusahaan ternama. Dari hasil foto-foto cantik yang dibuatnya, usahaku makin bertambah maju. Dalam 4 bulan saja, aku sudah mampu membayar uang muka pembelian mobil baru.

Dari hanya urusan bisnis, akhirnya hubungan kami menjadi dekat. Suamiku tak pernah mengetahuinya. Ia hanya tahu bila kami hanya sekedar rekan kerja. Suamiku mengenal pria itu. Malah, dia sendiri yang mengantarkan dan menjemput aku ke studio milik pria itu untuk sesi pemotretan.

Pria itu lalu mengutarakan rasa cintanya padaku. Aku pada mulanya berat untuk menerimanya karena statusku sudah bersuami. Namun, lama-kelamaan aku akhirnya mengakui punya rasa yang sama dengannya. Cintanya tak bertepuk sebelah tangan. Katanya, dia kagum dengan kecantikan dan kelembutanku, berpikiran dewasa dan pintar dalam berbisnis. Ahh.. aku makin terbuai olehnya.

Aku menikah di umur 21 tahun. Saat ini rumah tanggaku telah menginjak usia lima tahun. Kami juga telah dikaruniai seorang anak.

Suamiku kerjanya biasa saja. Seorang pegawai swasta. Itulah kerjanya sejak awal menikah sampai sekarang. Ia bekerja dari pagi hingga petang. Kadang sampai malam andai ada masalah di kantor.

Suamiku itu orangnya baik. Tapi, kami juga sering bertengkar. Masalahnya dia terlalu sibuk. Tidak ada waktu untuk anak dan diriku.

Ia berniat kerja lembur. Katanya hendak mencari duit lebih untuk beli rumah. Tak mau lagi tinggal di rumah kontrakan yang kita tempati saat ini. Beberapa bulan ini, ia berusaha keras untuk tujuan itu. Sering kali saat dia pulang ke rumah, aku sudah tertidur.

Aku pun tak ingin berdiam diri di rumah, dan mencoba berbisnis jual kerudung di internet. Lambat laun pendapatanku lebih lumayan dibandingkan suamiku.

Suatu hari kami bertengkar hebat. Suamiku menyangka aku hendak memamerkan penghasilanku, saat itu aku hanya ingin menunjukkan hasil yang aku dapatkan dari usahaku dengan membeli beberapa keperluan rumah. Dia merasa kecil hati.

Aku sangat malas berbantah-bantahan. Tensi aku langsung naik bila mengingat niat baik aku disalahpahami. Pertengkaran terus mengisi hari-hari kami.

Bila aku stress, aku memilih curhat kepada si fotografer jantung hati. Dia sangat memahamiku. Malahan, ia mampu menenangkan aku. Aku merasa damai di sampingnya.

Malam ini aku telah bertekad. Aku mau bercerai. Aku akan menunggunya pulang kerja.
Karena begitu lama tanpa sadar akupun tertidur. Saat aku terbangun, aku tak melihatnya di sampingku. Ku lihat motornya ada terparkir di halaman.

Aku melangkah ke kamar anakku. Nampak pintu sedikit terbuka. Sekilas ku lihat ada suamiku di dalam. Aku lalu berhenti sesaat di balik pintu untuk menantinya keluar dari kamar itu.

Ku dengar mereka sedang asyik bercerita. Telingaku menangkap jelas segala tutur kata yang mereka ucapkan.

“Ayah, kenapa ayah hanya asyik menceritakan tentang Nabi Muhammad saja?” tanya anakku.

Suamiku tersenyum dan menjawab, “Sebab ayah ingin anak ayah ini meniru Nabi. Tak ada cerita yang terbaik selain cerita Nabi. Buku cerita lain hanyalah dongeng belaka. Semua itu tidak nyata, hanyalah Khayalan. Namun, Nabi kita benar-benar ada nyata. Malah, menanti umatnya di akhirat kelak. Pahlawan kamu bukanlah ayah, bukan tokoh-tokoh komik cerita fantasi. Pahlawan kamu adalah Nabi Muhammad. Bukan sekadar cerita pengantar tidur."

"Dulu, Ayah hanya lulusan SMA. Ayah tak pandai. Ayah orang miskin. Tak ada yang menceritakan tentang Nabi pada ayah. Jadi, ayah tak ingin kamu seperti ayah. Ayah mau kamu saat dewasa jadi seperti Rasulullah. Berjaya di dunia dan akhirat. Andai suatu hari kamu tak berjaya di dunia sekalipun, kamu miskin sekalipun, Ayah harap kamu tak miskin agama. Pegang kuat apa yang ayah ucapkan ini, ya?”

Anakku mengangguk. Senyum.

“Malam ini, apa ayah punya cerita sebelum tidur?”

Si ayah menjawab ringkas, “Ada. Ada seorang ustaz berkata, kita bisa berinteraksi dengan anggota badan kita sendiri. Meminta anggota badan kita supaya melakukan hal-hal yang baik dan menghindari hal-hal yang tidak elok.”

“Seperti apa itu, ayah?”

“Misalnya, ambil waktu semenit, sambil gosok tangan, ucapkan pada tangan, ‘Hei tangan, hari ini jangan berbuat maksiat. Allah melihat.’ ‘Hai kaki, hari ini kita melangkah ke masjid ya. Usap mata juga dan bilang, ‘Wahai mata, hari ini lihatlah yang baik-baik saja. Tundukkan pandangan.’ Beritahu ke seluruh anggota badan yang selalu berbuat hal tak baik, ‘hari ini, mau takut pada Allah. Jangan buat maksiat, okay?’.”

Anakku terlihat tersenyum.

“Jadi, saya mau beritahu mata saya Ayah, ‘Wahai mata, hari ini jangan nonton banyak film kartun. Bacalah Al-Quran!’”

“Pandainya anak ayah!”

Ayah mencium dahi anaknya.

“Dah, tidur ya? Baca doa tidur sama-sama. Allahumma Bismika Ahya Wa Amut. Ya Allah, dengan nama-Mu aku hidup dan aku mati. Amin… Baiklah. Sampai ketemu besok ya.”

Ayah lalu berdiri dan hendak keluar kamar. Tiba-tiba tangan suamiku digapai anakku. Menahan langkahnya.

“Ayah sayang aku tidak?”

Ayahnya tersenyum, “Amat Sayang.”

“Sayang bunda tidak?”

“Sayang. Lebih dari yang kamu tahu. Saat ayah tiada apa-apa dalam hidup, bunda itu mau terima ayah jadi suaminya. Baik kan hati bunda? Sayang ayah pada bunda, sampai menutup mata. Sampai akhirat sana.”

Anakku tersenyum lebar sampai terlelap.


Suamiku lalu melangkah keluar kamar.

Langkahnya terhenti.

Ia kaget melihatku menanti di luar kamar.

Basah sudah pipi ini dengan air mata. Mengalir tanpa henti. Sungguh hati ini terusik sangat dalam. Aku tak tahu jika suamiku itu setiap malam berada di sisi anak kami bercerita tentang Rasulullah s.a.w.. Selama ini, ku sangka suamiku tidak pernah peduli.

Sungguh, aku khilaf!

Ku capai tangan suami. Ku salami tangan kasar itu.

“Apakah Bunda baik-baik saja?” Suamiku kaget seketika.

“Maafkan Bunda, ayah. Maafkan Bunda. Selama ini, Bunda sudah berlaku tak setia kepada ayah. Bunda isteri durhaka. Maafkan Bunda. Ampunkan Bunda, Ayah.” aku ingin menjerit sejadi-jadinya namun tak ingin anakku terbangun dan mengetahui apa yang terjadi.

Suamiku lalu mengusap ubun-ubun kepalaku.

“Ayah sudah lama tahu. Ayah maafkan..” Suamiku tersenyum. Tapi, ternyata wajahnya terlihat sedih.

“Bunda cinta pemuda itu? Kalau Bunda mencintainya dan sudah tak cinta ayah lagi, ayah rela korbankan kebahagiaan ayah demi melihat bunda bahagia.”

Karena terpaksa, dia rela lepaskan aku? Ya Allah... Bagai hendak hendak putus detak jantungku ketika itu. Tanganku menggigil. Dinginnya malam menjadi amat menusuk. Aku yang tadinya begitu yakin ingin bercerai, sekarang hanya bisa berdiri kaku tak berdaya. Sambil terisak-isak, ku kuatkan hati. Berusaha mengendalikan diri namun air mata tak hentinya mengalir.

“Tidak.. Tidak.. Bunda hanya mau Ayah seorang, Bunda mau ke Syurga dengan Ayah bersama anak kita,”

Lantas suamiku itu tersenyum. Kali ini riaknya ikhlas riang. Tumpah air mata lelakinya di hadapanku.

“Jangan ulang lagi.. Hargai Ayah.., janji?”

Aku mengangguk mengiyakan dan memeluknya erat.

Rupa-rupanya pertengkaran kami sebelumnya bukan karena aku mendapatkan uang lebih banyak darinya. Ia marah dan sakit hati karena mengetahui hubungan terlarang aku dan pemuda itu.


Tiba-tiba sebuah pesan Whatsapp masuk. Ternyata dari pria itu.

“Bagaimana? Sudah Dinda sampaikan?”

Akupun membalas pendek pesan itu.

“Maaf. Saya putuskan untuk memilih setia. Kita selesai sampai di sini. Setelah ini, suami saya sendiri yang akan jadi fotografer.”

Sebuah pesan masuk lagi.

“Tapi.. tapi-kita kan sama-sama saling mencintai! Sudah janji sehidup semati!”

Aku lalu segera menghapus program Whatsapp dari ponsel aku. Mematahkan SIM Card aku di depan suamiku saat itu juga.

Dalam hati, aku telah bertekad untuk tidak lagi melukai insan yang selama ini setia di sisiku.

Adaptasi Dari Kisah Sebenarnya
Via Ainul Na’im

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